Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, 19 July 2012

huhu lambat lagi

...Its raining early in the morning here at KK and i hate it becuz:

1).. its weekdays and i had to get up to go to work..if it is a weekend ill be sleeping still, covered with my comfy smelly blanket hehe :P
2) ..early morning rain make the traffic so so damn slow
3)..i feel sleepy
4)...i do not have the energy to go through today :D..(what a silly excuse that is)
5)..the fact that if the rain stops before lunch time, ill have to attend an inspection with the client in the afternoon and the route will all be muddy...uwahhh
6).. and i mostly hated it today not just becuz of the weather but also becuz my period is already due for 4 days and i just could not stop myself from doing the UPT and it came out -ve......



  1. wah ada harapan tu....lgpun klu masih awal upt kdg2 x bole detect lg tu hormon....semoga u pregnant :D

  2. Dear Lina...thank you for the wish, but it seems Ms P punya symptoms makin kuat pla ni,huhuhu
